
The Path to Success starts with challenging steps toward the market


Information / Development

The Path to Success starts with challenging steps toward the market. Might it be preparing the enterprise´s plans and informing potential investors or starting compelling projects to convince prospects about your abilities – you will have a hard time getting there without the right tools. And the risk to fail is high at any given time in that process. PLPG helps you in each phase to get the best information, and to play the cards right. Our information services help you to make the right decision at any given time and to create feasible projects and reasonable offers to strengthen your enterprise´s position. 

Vision Development

What is the vision for your enterprise?  It tells you two important messages: in which direction to go, and how your prospects and clients shall see you. And it will offer you a perspective of a path to success for the next 20 years. We help you to stand tall in the clashing waves of new trends and the rocky cliffs of societal changes – and still being flexible to react on them holding tight the steering wheel of your entrepreneurship.  We will support you in developing your vision. 

Market Analysis

Starting a business or entering a market takes a load of information. These information has to be collected, segmented, weighted, and transferred into a clear and easy to  handle analysis that shows you everything needed – from opportunities to threats, from industry turnovers to future estimations. We will provide market analysis, so you have a tool at hand to prepare your business and increase your speed to market. 

Process Optimization

Process optimization is the discipline of constantly adapting processes with the intention to improve them.  This starts with analysis of the process or the process chain in question, find the weak points and find solutions to make the process more powerful and efficient. This will help to make your company more productive and more profitable. 

Business Plan

A business plan unfolds all the layers of your company the way it is planned. If you are a start-up, it is crucial to present your ideas, plans, and capabilities to investors and/or banks. It is also necessary to know which steps to take and to avoid pitfalls along the path. PLPG will assist you in creating your business model successfully, assessing your ideas, and calculating valid numbers for business success – with a comprehensive business plan. 

Project Development

Your company is full of new and innovative ideas. Some shall introduce new products or services to the market, others point beyond the limits or tend to dive deeper into challenges.

Project Development helps to transform exciting ideas into feasible projects. They will show in real time and in real space how your ideas can challenge the markets to create a valuable process that will expand your company´s options and chances.



The Path to Success is accompanied as well by legal aspects. Those sometimes take efforts that lead your focus astray of what really is important in your business. To go straight to your goal and to reach your objectives, PLPG offers certain services that help you to stay competitive and competent. 


Knowing your economic results is necessary to realize your accomplishments, and to see how to proceed. Maybe even more important accounting is necessary for your tax declaration, a duty of each business. To take that burden off you PLPG provides a straight-forward in-time service, forwarding your tax declaration to the right administration up to presenting clear numbers which enables you to take further decisions for your business. 

Bank Account

If you are starting a business, it is important to know from where you will pay your expenses, and where you will collect your revenues. If you enter a new market it might be of value to have a local bank account – or maybe even a digital bank account. We are helping you to organize and manage your financial aspects wherever it is needed. 

Brand Registration

Your ideas are intangible goods. They are of high value. Therefore, it is important to protect your innovation.  That takes a legal process. This takes a research from many sides beforehand. PLPG is supporting you in this process to get your ideas and innovations protected. And – as soon as it is protected and registered, you will be able to fully exploit your product or service. 



The Path to Success leads to stations when financial help is needed. But a loan is not always easy to get, and it is not always a sensible decision to take it. Fundings are a way to get you money and partners at the same time. PLPG is providing different services for its clients, so that the financial stability and liquidity is guaranteed or even stabilized in a long-term perspective. Sounds good?


Municipal, regional, national, and European organizations offer grants to support businesses in different stages. The most of them have a particular focus like “Research & Development” or “Internationalization”. Receiving the support will make it easier to realize particular projects that will guarantee that your company will be growing. It reliefs to know that expenses are cut when it is necessary to invest into new products or new markets. 

Stock Exchange (emission – not IPO)

A stock exchange is a great place to raise money for further growth of your company. But there are many more ways to access the stock exchange than an IPO. However, it takes a certain size of a company so that providing emissions publicly does make sense. Nevertheless, fresh money brings fresh growth and fresh success in new business fields.


Raising the attention of investors takes a detailed preparation – in many aspects of the business. If it is accomplished then it is needed to know precisely what you want from an investor – and also what you are willing to give for it. To limit it to money is aiming below the possible maximum. An investor should be chosen well – to help the company scale the best way.